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Pre College Planning for Underclassmen

Direction and Strategy

Our team provides comprehensive “coaching” plans for 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th graders.  The plans aim to maximize students’ course planning and summer enrichment, as well as focus on the specific training, nutrition and conditioning needs that student-athletes must arrange to stay healthy and strong in and out of season.  Many students do not realize how to design a comprehensive academic and athletic profile until it is too late, thus we provide direction and strategy to ensure that the path is well paved to meet future application and recruitment goals.


It is vital that course programming is determined and well organized as students enter high school.  Thus, we begin the planning in the middle years.  Often the foundational coursework taken as a 7th or 8th grader determines the trajectory of academics throughout high school.  We want to ensure that you get it right by providing guidance on core and elective offerings that accurately reflect each student’s interests, talents, and strengths. 


There is no perfect formula, therefore we work with each individual to assess and define areas of academic promise, as well as to ensure that all core content, state coursework, and NCAA eligibility requirements are being met and exceeded. We take the guesswork out of the course planning equation, allowing students and their families to focus on excelling and growing as learners.


Many families don’t begin to think about positioning until senior year, thus there is much potential to miss important opportunities to demonstrate skills and passion. Throughout high school, students tend to follow their interests without regard for whether their activities would differentiate them in the applicant pool. For positioning to be most effective, it needs to be considered as early as freshman year. And most families will need an objective eye to determine how to present their student. Positioning will only benefit students who demonstrate that their participation in their unique area has been pursued for a material period of time. This makes the positioning conceivable. The earlier a student starts down the road of adding consistency and substance to his or her profile, the better.


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